Contact Scoring helps you prioritize contacts by showing who is most interested in the resources or info you send them.
Automatic and Manual Scoring: The system automatically generates scores based on contact activity. You can also manually score by adding a star rating to your contacts.
Scoring Notes:
- Scoring is based on contact activity.
- Scoring started on September 7, 2017. Scores before this date are not updated.
- Contacts earn points by performing actions:
(Automatic) Points Based on Contact Actions:
- Opting-in to a Campaign: 10 points
- Opening an Email: 1 point
- Clicking on a Link: 2 points
- Scheduled Event: 5 points per event
- Filling Out a Form: 5 points
- Requesting a Call: 5 points
(Automatic) Video Watching Points
- Note: Max of 25 points per video watched
- 1 point for every 20 seconds up to 3 minutes
- 1 point per minute for 4-10 minutes
- 0.5 points per minute after 10 minutes
- Contact Watches 2 minutes: 6 points
- Contact Watches 8 minutes: 14 points
- Contact Watches 22 minutes: 22 points
(Manual) Points Based on Star Rating:
- 0 Stars = 0 points
- 1 Star = 6 points
- 2 Stars = 12 points
- 3 Stars = 18 points
- 4 Stars = 24 points
- 5 Stars = 30 points
Losing Points:
- Opt-out of Campaign: -25 points
- Spam Complaint: -50 points
- Star Rating Decrease: Difference between old and new rating.
Over time, contacts lose points if they're inactive. This continues until they reach a minimum score based on their star rating. Starting 7 days after their last activity, they lose 1 point each day.
For more information, contact us at